Image credit: Veronica White/Unsplash
About Us
At the Farming Health Hub, we understand that informal support can extend beyond your professional role. UK farmers face many challenges, from financial crises to mental health issues, and you might be the person they turn to for guidance.
We’ve developed this website as a result of research led by colleagues at the University of Exeter’s Environment and Sustainability Institute (ESI) and Centre for Rural Policy Research (CRPR). We heard from a range of people working with farmers about their experiences supporting people struggling with poor mental health and well-being. Our research participants told us that they often find themselves lending a listening ear (and sometimes significant amounts of their personal time) in the course of their work, but aren’t always sure how best to help, or where to turn for further assistance.
Our Resource Hub provides you with the guidance, resources, and contacts you need to confidently assist a farmer in a moment of need.
The Farming Health Hub brings together private, public, and voluntary sectors to provide practical and accessible support to UK farming communities where they live and work. If you're interested in learning more about our work or would like to get involved, please get in touch.
Thank you for supporting UK farmers and their families.
Find support for farmers
View our list of resources, including articles, guides, case studies and signposting, to help you support a farmer in their time of need.